What are types of OSPF packets? Hello Database Description (DBD) Link-State Requests (LSR) Link-State Updates (LSU) Link-State Acknowledgements (LSAck) What is OSPF finite state machine? What are the states in OSPF neighborship? DOWN - No OSPF packets have been received on the interface ATTEMPT - Applies only to non-broadcast multi-access networks (NBMA) where the neighbors must be configured manually using the "neighbor x.x.x.x" command INIT - Router has seen a Hello message from an OSPF router TWO-WAY - A Hello message has been sent to the neighbor and the neighbor has replied with its Hello message. In Broadcast networks, the DR/BDR election takes place after this state EXSTART - DR and BDR establish OSPF adjacencies with each of the routers in the network. Master / Slave election takes place at this stage. The Master sends its DBD (Database Descriptor) first EXCHANGE - Routing information may be exchanged via DBD, Link State Requests (LSR) and Link State Updates (LS...